Monday, November 1, 2010

Interview - Part 2 and Part 3

After my first interview I received a call a couple weeks later to set up a phone interview. I was excited to know I had made it past the first round, but somewhat nervous for what lay ahead. I found that I am actually more comfortable and at ease speaking with someone in person rather than on the phone. However, things must have gone well because a week later I was asked to participate in a THIRD interview at the Houston office.

Once again, I was so excited to know I had made it through yet another interview. As I drove down the Beltway on my way to the Houston office for my third interview I was fairly confident in my ability to secure the position. I started imagining life at my new job, started day dreaming about having my own place again, and was more than excited to see what the future had in store.

Upon my arrival I was escorted to the technical writing department - yes, they have an ENTIRE department dedicated to technical writing. I was pretty impressed. I was even shown the work space and introduced to a few current employees.

My first interview was with one of the technical writing department's supervisors and was a good warm up because I would be meeting with the senior director who oversees the department that day as well. After a brief interview with the supervisor, I was then led to the office next door where my second interview of the day would take place. We spoke about reasons I felt qualified for the position, we spoke about the training process, about compensation, and even about The Dallas Cowboys. In my mind, things were going well.

Unfortunately, after a month long interview process I was told that the company was going to pass on my application at this time. I have to say, I was rather disappointed since I had set my hopes so high, but I have to have faith that everything happens for a reason...

and so the search continues!