Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Unexpected Finds in Unexpected Places

I've always been an excellent thrift store shopper, but the last four years I spent in college as a broke student only strengthened my thrift store shopping skills. Why is this relevant to my job search, you ask? Well after speaking briefly with a fellow writer the other day, it was suggested that I seek work via Craigslist. Why not, I thought.

As it turns out, Craigslist is just like that wonderful thrift store you find hidden on the roadside. It's that place you drive by everyday but never stop to take a look inside. And sure enough, Craigslist was that store - complete with miraculous and unexpected finds. In one sweep, I found five plus jobs to apply for. Who'd have thunk it?! Now I just have to keep my fingers crossed that my resume will snag someone's attention!

NOTE: While Craigslist does offer a vast array of job postings, be sure to tread lightly. Not all job postings are what they seem, so use your best judgement before applying for a position.

1 comment:

  1. I was also surprised to find actual jobs listed at Craigslist. I took a look at the recommendation of a LinkedIn contact and the very first thing I saw was "Wanted: Freelance designer for t-shirts"! Right up my alley! I had always thought of Craigslist as a good place to sell a used bike, but never as a job resource!
    p.s. I replied to the ad. It turned out it was a new souvenir store who wanted some Austin- and Texas-themed t-shirt designs. I did several roughs for him and he bought three of my designs! And the ones he did not buy, I will be selling elsewhere!
