Monday, October 18, 2010

Chin Up, Cheer Up; Interview - Part One

Hello blog followers! I apologize for the hiatus; things have been hectic lately, but I wanted to update everyone on my current job searching status.

While the job search status still stands at unemployed, things are looking up! I had my first interview about one month ago. Allow me to explain -

Sometime in mid September I received a "recruit email" from a company I applied to earlier in the summer. I was told my resume had been received and that they would like to speak with me further. Not wanting to get my hopes up, I kept the news to myself and gave them a call. After two days of attempting to contact them and after one, fifteen minute phone questionnaire, I had secured an interview! Well...sort of, maybe, kinda. After speaking with a representative on the phone, I was then scheduled to come in and complete an aptitude test. I was told that if the test went well then there would be the possibility for an interview afterwards. If I bombed the test, then of course an interview was not likely.

Instructed to dress in business professional attire, I must have scoured the entire city for the perfect interview outfit. I wanted to make sure I looked well put together. Once again, whether or not I secured an interview was questionable, but I planned to go into the test prepared for an interview afterwards. Confidence is key!

As I walked into the building, I'll admit - I was a little nervous. I had absolutely no idea what to expect. Upon my arrival I was immediately sent to the testing room where I completed an hour long aptitude test. I am supposing the test went well, because I was then asked to stay for an interview.

I was slightly nervous going into the interview, but after taking a few deep breaths my nerves began to calm. I had gone over mock interview questions as well as interview tips the night before, so I knew I was well prepared. The interview was short and sweet, lasting approximately 30 minutes. Afterwards I was sent on my way and told that I would be contacted within 10 business days. It would be approximately 2 weeks before I heard from them again.

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