As I found myself on the verge of a nervous breakdown, disheartened and dismayed, appeared to me as a beacon of light. Alright, so perhaps things weren't quite as dramatic, but I was beginning to lose hope. Now approximately two and a half months into my job searching journey, I am still graduated and unemployed. I suppose I had always assumed finding a job would be easy. I never imagined that my search would be this difficult, not to mention time consuming and overwhelming.
While on my quest to find a job, I have realized that although a degree is a spectacular thing, experience is a close equal. Having never held an internship or volunteer position in my field of interest, I have soon become enamored with the idea. Allow me to explain. First and foremost, an internship allows for personal exploration. Not sure what you want to do with your life? Test the waters. Look for an internship with a company you could see yourself working for in the future. Not only will this allow you to test the waters, it might even lead to a full time position! Secondly, an internship is an immediate resume booster. Having experience in your field of interest will help you snag your dream job. And last, but not least, if you are graduated and unemployed like me, a little extra income from a paid internship can't hurt!
For more information on internships or how to snag a hidden intern, visit this link. The benefits of interning are abundant!
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