Monday, July 12, 2010


As a recent Graduate seeking work, there are many things you learn on your journey to finding a job. For instance, I never knew such things as "job clubs" existed until only recently. I always assumed one found a job by searching the classifieds or browsing the web...boy was I wrong!

While enjoying dinner with my Aunt and Uncle (both Austinites) a few weeks back, I was first introduced to the concept of a job club. In short, a job club is a club for those seeking work, or, according to the Launch Pad Job Club, it is "a networking, support, and job lead sharing organization that aids and supports jobseekers in their search for The Perfect Job" (from here). My Uncle, now unemployed after an extensive career of 20+ years, is a member of Launch Pad and has found the club to be exceptionally helpful. As a matter of fact, after a year of unemployment, he has now secured himself a full time position - first hand proof that job clubs can be beneficial.

So instead of wasting time combing the classifieds for a position hundreds of other people will likely apply for, test your networking skills by joining a job club!


For those of you who would like more information about the Launch Pad Job Club (located in Austin, Texas), you can visit their website here.

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