Graduation day - a day that most of us look forward to years before its actual arrival. A time for family to gather, for mothers and fathers to smile with pride, and for graduates to enter the real world. We iron our gowns, put on our best pair of shoes, and hit the door running. Most of us excited, some of us secretly nervous, and all of us anxious.
As I walked across the stage, May 14, 2010, I was overcome with emotion. I was so proud of what all I had accomplished and excited to turn over a new leaf in life, but somewhat sad to see the last leaf blow away with the whirling wind that was college. Looking down at my diploma, I thought about what would come next. My life that had been so carefully crafted for all these years was now a life lacking any sort of plan. I had no internships lined up, no job, no home. I was a gypsy grad floating free.
It’s been nearly 3 months since that day, and well...I’m still almost just as confused now as I was then. They taught me to use proper grammar, they taught me the difference between ethos, logos, and pathos, they taught me how to whip out one heck of an essay, but no one ever taught me how to find a job. And so now is my predicament – job searching.
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